* They locked me happy on *

little bones. Harley – B&W @ Epiphani

armchain #23 Blueberry - Oakley - Common - Maitreya - Copper Armchain @ Epiphani

bra #10 Blueberry - Oakley - Common - Maitreya - Black Bra @ Epiphani

wings  #9 Blueberry - Oakley - Common - Maitreya - Red Wings @ Epiphani

panties #4 Blueberry - Oakley - Rare - Maitreya - Black Panties @ Epiphani

tattoo [White~Widow] Music Box - Pink

claxs hands [CX] Hayop (Black) claws

claws pedi !~GD~Deviant Dolly Vol. I(Claw/PEDI) - Maitreya Mesh Feet

pose Signature Pose – Now? picture 1 @ the 100Block thankies ♥ 

Signature Pose – Level picture 2 @ the 100Block  thankies ♥